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Forum Posts

Adrián Chacón Ordóñez
Feb 14, 2020
In General Discussion
Hello people, I was having terrible problems with temperatures fluctuations and my prints didn't start when using octoprint because the temperature was too unstable. Recently I found a simple fix using a 10v1000uf capacitor in the board 5v pins. Now take a look at my temps after this change: They are pretty stable!!! and finally started to print from octoprint. You can do this really quick and for cheap, I found this information in the following video (method 2): I hope this helps people from the thread "Printing stops" and others reporting different issues.
Fix for temperature fluctuation and  other issues content media
Adrián Chacón Ordóñez
Oct 30, 2019
In Makertech CURA
Can we get an update of Makertech Cura version to version 4. Currently the newest version is 4.3 . I think is a great time to include all your printers in the official repository.
Adrián Chacón Ordóñez
Apr 11, 2019
In Makertech CURA
UPDATE: Windows versions runs fine using wine. The rode so far... To upload marlin firmware you only need the latest arduino program, as usual Linux has the drivers. Pronterface can be installed in Linux, find in the github page the second title saying "Ubuntu/Debian" and follow those steps; To run the program do it with "python3" in the source folder. I'm about to start the first print tutorial but I got some limitations. Adeel, at some moment you mention that simplify 3D profiles will be available so I'm making this thread asking for them and to discuss any problems or solutions that people have encounter using Linux. What are this profiles? Since Cura is available in Linux I'm wondering how could we make it work with your settings?

Adrián Chacón Ordóñez

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