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Marcos Badell Puig
Jun 09, 2022
In Proforge 3 Assembly
Hi, first I must recognize I could be a little lost cause even if I tried to read as much as possible, I'm still a newbie in this world, being this printer my first one (regret feelings coming...). I finally assemble my printer; it took me time due to the lack of some pieces that i needed to buy by myself. I have assembled the DSH H/H hardware and followed all the steps with success till I arrive to this one: On my printer this screen lacks the select T0 and T1 and the servo Arm, so there is no chance to set it up as you can see in this image of my printer: At first, I thought I wasn't flashing the firmware correctly, but checking my SD card I saw the FIRMWARE.CUR, I flashed the DD firmware to check if there is any difference and I saw there was no longer two hot ends, so it must be working... So, what’s happening? Why can’t see the servo or select between T0 or T1? May the firmware of makertech be wrong? I also notice my max temp on any hot end with the blue thermistors (I think they are the NF-450 thermistors) is 275°C, which is not what it's supposed to be on any of the firmware’s I flashed. I don’t want to give up on this printer... What I’m doing wrong? Should I press the reset button of the skr 2.0?
Firmware troubles content media

Marcos Badell Puig

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